Our Promise

Lancashire Music Hub Promise
We have a set of clear aims and a vision for our hub which together form a promise to the children and young people of Lancashire, and those who work with them or look after them.
Our promise is that:
- the way we run our hub programme will be young-people centred
- our work will be driven by need and evidence
- regular robust data and feedback from children and young people and our stakeholders will help us shape our programme appropriately, and make the case to partners and investors
- we will allocate resources according to need and gaps in provision and acknowledge that targeted work costs more
- we will ensure our work is accessible to all children and young people in Lancashire through multiple access points. We will work with any child who is willing, regardless of circumstances, and we will confront barriers and logistical issues with solutions. Our offer will appeal to music listeners as well as makers
- we will undertake targeted inclusion activity, by identifying and addressing gaps in provision
- we will offer a diverse range of musical opportunities with clear and ambitious progression routes across genres
- in order to deliver appropriate high-quality work, we will invest in training for our workforce and undertake external quality assurance programmes
- we will work strategically with schools and music teachers through a compelling offer, which meets their needs
- we will embrace partnership working and the wider music offer in the County, facilitating and signposting as well as delivering
- our governance and management will be transparent, collaborative and entrepreneurial
- we will continue to pioneer the use of technology across our work.