Date: | Sunday 4 October 2020 |
Time: | 10am |
Venue: | Online |
Tickets: | Book now |
We are excited to announce our new online project for this term: Dance Monkey! Everyone is looking forward to working on our very own Lancashire Schools Symphony Orchestra (LSSO) version of the music and we can’t wait to get started. New players are always very welcome to join the LSSO, and we are delighted to be able to offer all young musicians in Lancashire the opportunity to try out our fantastic online project this term, with parts available for all abilities.
The Lancashire Schools Symphony Orchestra acts as a preparatory ensemble for the Lancashire Youth Symphony Orchestra, providing young instrumentalists with their first experience of playing orchestral music. The orchestra offers you the opportunity to work with inspiring leaders and professional musicians, alongside like-minded young people from across Lancashire.
For more information please email
Online rehearsals start at 10am for the full orchestra with sectionals for each instrument taking place throughout the day (a schedule will be sent in advance of each rehearsal)
Sunday 4th October Rehearsal 1
Sunday 18th October Rehearsal 2
Sunday 1st November Rehearsal 3
Sunday 15th November Rehearsal 4
Sunday 29th November Rehearsal 5
Sunday 6th December Rehearsal 6
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