The video above, created by Arts Council England, explains what hubs are and features contributions from More Music’s Gobsmacked Project, Lancashire Youth Vocal Ensemble and commentary from Tim Rogers, Head of Lancashire Music Service.
Lancashire Music Hub is a network of people and organisations, working together to champion music education and make sure that all children and young people in the County get access to music making and learning that’s right for them.
It’s led by Lancashire Music Service, the County Councils music education service working with core partners More Music, a leading community music organisation based in Morecambe, and Charanga, award-winning developers of online music education resources.
Find out more about how we do this on our What we do page.
Lancashire Music Hub’s commissioning policy:
This policy outlines the principles and procedures for commissioning services within Lancashire Music Hub. The Hub aims to support the aims of the NPME, whilst providing high-quality music education opportunities to children, young people, and communities.
1 Partners will be selected based on their expertise, commitment to music education, and alignment with the Hub’s vision.
Criteria for partner selection include:
- Experience in music education delivery.
- High quality delivery of musical activities or resources.
- National, Regional or Local reputation.
- Diversity (including representation of different musical genres and cultural backgrounds).
- Ability to engage with schools, community groups, and other stakeholders and demonstrate positive outcomes.
- Quality Assessment
2 The Hub will actively seek feedback from participants, partners, and stakeholders.
- Metrics for assessment include:
- Participant feedback.
- Informal/ formal visits / observations of project or activities.
- Adherence to agreed standards.
- Updates and reports prepared on request.
- Data and metrics supplied as requested.
3 Reporting
- Partners will submit, on request, updated reports on their activities.
- The Strategic Stakeholders Group will monitor performance against agreed targets.
4 Funding Allocation
- Funding will be allocated to commissioned services based on agreed contracts.
- LMH will ensure transparent financial controls are in place.
- The SSG will have overview of all financial information related to LMH.