Music Educators: Professional Networks

Here are the professional networks available to Music Educators in Lancashire. Joining a network means that you will be invited to attend regular meetings where you will be kept up to date by guest speakers, have access to the latest Music Education developments and the opportunity to share ideas with others. 

Visit the Events page to see one-off network events for music educators.

We often feature key network meetings and opportunities in the news section of this site as well as in our Music Educators newsletter.

Our newsletter is the best way to keep up to date with musical opportunities and events.

Quick links:

SEND Teachers Network

Termly meeting for music teachers and co-ordinators from SEND schools across Lancashire.

Primary Schools Network

Free termly meetings for music teachers to share ideas, discuss the latest developments in music education, give feedback and get involved with planning future Music Hub activities and find out about opportunities for staff and students.

Primary Schools Network

Free termly meetings for music teachers to share ideas, discuss the latest developments in music education, give feedback and get involved with planning future Music Hub activities and find out about opportunities for staff and students.

Primary Schools Network

Free termly meetings for music teachers to share ideas, discuss the latest developments in music education, give feedback and get involved with planning future Music Hub activities and find out about opportunities for staff and students.

Our newsletter is the best way to keep up to date with musical opportunities and events.

Quick links: